5 Things to Consider before Hiring a Health and Safety Consultant
Over the last decade, stricter workplace health and safety legislation has seen a significant improvement in health and safety standards across New Zealand. However, it has also seen a rise in health and safety entrepreneurs promoting low-price health and safety packages for purchase online. Often without as much as a follow-up phone call!
The low up-front cost of these off-the-shelf packages is tempting for some. But they don’t work for companies wanting credible, qualified health and safety advice. The type that can transform how a company operates and deliver a real return on investment.
With this in mind, we’ve put together some quick tips for choosing the right health and safety advisor for your business:
1. They have industry credentials
Before you do anything, verify the credentials of the health and safety advisor you are considering. At the very least, they should be registered with the Health and Safety Association of New Zealand (HASANZ) – the umbrella organisation that represents health and safety professionals in New Zealand. Other qualifications to look for are a Diploma in Occupational Health & Safety (DipOSH) and ICAM (incident cause analysis method) Incident Investigator. Also, look for Health and Safety professionals who are members of the New Zealand Institute of Safety Management.
2. They understand your unique challenges
When it comes to health and safety, there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution. (Which is why off-the-shelf solutions provide little value). It’s also the reason why a professional health and safety advisor will take time to understand exactly how your business operates and how the people within your business function. Once they have a deep understanding of your unique challenges, they can design a plan and processes to suit. TIP – ask about the process they work through before they create a health and safety plan.
3. They will tailor a plan to fit your budget
Every business is different. And on top of that, every company has a different budget to work with! A skilled health and safety advisor will take this into account, tailoring an effective health and safety solution that you can afford. If you feel like you are being ‘sold’ a package that sits above your stated budget, be wary. At the very least, ask for an alternative option.
4. They keep it simple!
Most industries have their own language. And health and safety is no different! The problem is that some consultants can overuse industry jargon – which only serves to confuse the people they are meant to be helping. If you are choosing a health and safety consultant, ensure they can keep things as simple as possible. And that goes for the processes they put in place too. Remember, over-complicated health and safety procedures will result in less engagement, which in turn leads to more workplace safety issues and, eventually, a hit to the bottom line.
5. They offer ongoing support.
If we’ve learned one thing from the COVID crisis, it’s that life and business can change quickly. That fact is, very few companies operate in the same way year after year. This means health and safety requirements need to evolve too. A professional health and safety consultant will have the ability to monitor a business’s health and safety needs on an ongoing basis. And will be able to adapt processes to reflect those changes and provide ongoing support to ensure those changes are implemented.
Contact us for a FREE Assessment
Safety Partners are qualified, professional Health and Safety consultants who can tailor a plan to fit your business and your budget.
To book a FREE Assessment email info@safetypartners.co.nz